Frequently Asked Questions
Who are our clients?
- Healthy, middle-aged individuals who want to make sure their wishes are known in case the unthinkable happens and they are unable to communicate with their decision-makers.
- Older people who want to maintain their independence at home and need help with the logistics of making this possible, without being a burden on their family.
- People, young and old who are living with a life-limiting illness, who are struggling with the loss of their future and dreams.
- Parents/adults who need guidance on how to speak with their grieving children in a way that makes them feel included.
- Individuals of all ages who are living with a terminal illness, who need support around the anxiety of their impending death.
- Individuals looking for information and/or support regarding MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying)
How much do your services cost, and are they covered by OHIP?
We have three packages available; however, we also offer each service Al-La-Carte and work on a sliding scale to suit the individual needs of our clients. Please refer to the Services Page for a description of our services and Contact Us for further information and pricing. Currently, death Doula services are not covered by OHIP.
Are End Of Life Doulas permitted into the hospital or palliative care setting?
End of Life Doulas go into hospital or palliative care settings only when their clients are admitted into care and continue to want their Doula’s support. The Doula provides support to their client and client’s family and does not form part of the recognized health care team under the current Ministry of Health guidelines. However, clients and their families may invite the Doula into the room as they wish.
Do you administer medication or offer medical advice?
We do everything we can to make your life, and the lives of your loved ones, as easy as possible during this important period of life, however we are not medical professionals. Here are the limits to our scope of practice:
- We do not perform medical or clinical tasks
- We do not administer medication
- We do not diagnose a client
- We do not make decisions for a client
- We do not project our own personal beliefs on a client
- We do not handle the body after death
- We do not act as your appointed representative in an advance care plan
Will you be there when I pass?
Our Doula packages include added value vigiling which is supporting you and staying by your side during the active dying phase. We will be there as much as we are able, keeping in mind that death is unpredictable. We will also educate your loved ones on what to expect and how to best support you, so that the people of your choosing can be with you at your death.